What Are Suburban Apartments? All About These Affordable Homes

By Mary O'Neil

Remote work environments and rising rent prices have made suburban living more attractive in recent years. Young professionals are opting for larger homes with more rooms that double as office spaces, which come at a significant discount in the suburbs. Others are moving to look for a slower pace or better access to outdoor space.…

What is a Flat?

By Mary O'Neil

3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, many of our British neighbors talk about flats on a daily basis. A flat is a single, private residence attached to a group of other flats. What British English-speakers call a flat, American English-speakers usually call an apartment. The two words are often interchangeable, but they can also have…

8 Reasons to Move to Los Angeles From the Locals Who Love Living There

By Mary O'Neil

Thinking about moving to the City of Angels? With 12 million people calling the greater Los Angeles area home, it’s been one of the fastest-growing regions in the United States for decades. It also has one of the most diverse populations in the country, attracting people from all over the world to pursue their dreams…